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Everyday life

Daily life in a 4x4 


At the time of writing these lines, we have already been living full time in our 4x4 for a month! It's time to give you our first feedback on this new way of life. 



We have to admit, we haven't had any great cuisine until now. We ate local let's say!

Italy = Pasta no? 😉🍝 

We had to test all the sauces from Barilla! 

It is true that we have lost a little weight. We eat less and exercise more. The dishes are less rich, we have also lowered our meat consumption. A bad for a good after all! 


> Practical question, we are very happy with our small multi-fuel stove despite the fact that we only have one fire and that the flame is not adjustable. If the opportunity arises, we will see to buy a second stove with adjustable flame, but it is largely manageable like this for the moment.

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We always manage! Park showers, camping, motorhome area, our solar shower or lakes as a last resort (especially in Switzerland), we have always found a way to take a shower every day.


Concerning the toilets, it was Tiffen who apprehended the most. But there too, between the bars, restaurants, campsites, tourist attractions, gas stations, there are plenty of toilets. And then, there are always natural pees that are part of the adventure! Some spots are more obvious than others from this point of view. 😅


To give a quick review of our solar shower, we are happy with it despite the few leaks (of water and pressure) that we notice. We have 20L available and even if it doesn't seem like a lot on paper, it's finally more than enough for about 4 showers and one or two long hair shampoos! 

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Resource management

Regarding water management, we also have a 36L reserve for washing dishes, washing hands, cooking, brushing teeth…. We fill it every 4 days or so.


Electricity level ⚡️:Our autonomous battery EcoFlow is what we need! It allows us to supply our fridge and recharge our devices. It allows us to stop for about two days in bivouac, after that, we have to recharge it by the alternator, mains connection or take out the solar panels.

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Nothing special on that side. No nightly mishaps so far. The only two times we slept inside the vehicle (extra bed; the main bed was in the roof tent), was at a motorway service area for a few hours nap, and when Tiffen got sick one night. 


The roof tent bed is comfortable, the installation is convenient, and it doesn't take us much time to fold and unfold. 

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Ce premier mois de vie nomade est très positif pour tous les deux. Nous nous acclimatons bien à cette nouvelle expérience pleine de découverte. 

Des nouvelles questions rythment notre quotidien :

  • On dort où ce soir ? 

  • On fait quoi demain ? 

  • Il nous reste de l'eau ? 

  • Tu as pensé à éteindre le coupe circuit ? 

  • Il reste de la batterie dans le mixeur ? 

  • Tu captes internet ? 

  • Elle est à combien de % la batterie ? 

  • Il reste de l'essence dans le réchaud ? 

Tant de nouvelles préoccupations qu'il nous a fallut un peu de temps à appréhender. Le quotidien prend plus de temps. Il faut faire et défaire nos affaires, sortir et ranger la table à chaque repas, plier et déplier la tente chaque jour... 

Mais c'est le prix de la liberté, pouvoir dormir où il nous chante de dormir, découvrir les pays qui nous entourent. Et c'est bien le moindre mal. 

On continue sans hésiter vers de nouvelles aventures ! 🥳 ⛺️ ☀️

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